Komposter larutan berbakteria "real effective" menggunakan planktin segar serta bakteria EM yang dihasilkan melalui bio-teknologi untuk menghasilkan bakteria baik bagi remidi alam sekitar.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

EM and Industrial PDF Print E-mail
Areas of Application 
  • EM 1 as Industrial Lagoon Treatment Agent
  • and More 
The Scenario
The normal waste disposal system of factories is the lagoon system. Solid and liquid wastes are flushed to the lagoon, usually a simple excavation at the back of the establishment. As the wastes accumulate, an objectionable odor is also generated creating discomfort to the immediate community. Series of complaints results to a tarnished company image.

Modern industrial establishments apportion a piece of their area for a waste treatment plant. Some install Bio-gas digester, others resort to series of lagoons, separators and recycling and still others employ all of the above.

For all these methods, odors rarely subside to tolerable levels. Aside from the odor, the effluent rarely meets the DENR discharging standards. Usually, the load of the effluent is way above the requirement.

Bio-Remediation Principle
For this reason, proprietary blends of microorganisms that accelerate bio-remediation are being introduced into the treatment plant.
For an effective lagoon treatment, a mixed culture of microorganisms is more effective than a single inoculant. Natural purification of contaminated waters is done by a succession of different microorganisms, each performing a different and special role in the process.  Being a biological process and absence of any chemical application, treatment with EM is organic in nature hence is environment-friendly.

The principle of introducing inoculants in the treatment site is to increase the diversity of the microflora in the lagoon system. The new microbial colony, together with the existing bacterial strains is stimulated by providing an optimum living condition e.g. enough dissolved oxygen, proper pH, temperature etc. A natural process that normally requires months now occurs in a matter of days or weeks.

1 comment:

  1. It's really awesome to read this post about waste municipal lagoon treatment it gives me lots of information. Keep it up!
